Comments on: Q Acoustics 3030i: The Audiophile System Builder everything hi-fi Fri, 05 Aug 2022 09:18:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Fri, 05 Aug 2022 09:18:03 +0000 Thanks for the response.

That’s a bit disappointing to hear because it seems like you’re talking an amp that approaches £1000 over here in the UK to get the most out of the 3030i.
Have you tried the A11 Tribute with the 3050i?
If that works it’s a much more accessible combination.


By: Ian White Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:20:28 +0000 In reply to Andy.

Hi Andy,

It would be a good match from a tonal perspective but the lack of power would be an issue. The A14 would work better.

The NAD C316BEE V2 works well with it, but I really need to turn it up.

Rotel, NAD, Yamaha, Cambridge Audio would all be good matches.


Ian White

By: Andy Thu, 04 Aug 2022 08:19:22 +0000 Hi Ian.
How do you think the 3030i would pair with the Rotel A11 Tribute?
I’ve seen your conversations with “a British Audiophile” on YouTube and you’ve mentioned the amp and speakers are both great.
In the UK they are also affordable as the speakers are £235 on Amazon and the amp is around £300 2nd hand.
Are these components a good match?
It’s just I’ve had 2nd thoughts after you explained they either need playing at high volume or with a powerful amp in order to sound their best.
Any recommendations for an amp in the £250-£500 range that will get you most of the way there at lower volumes?
I’ll be running them with a JDS labs atom DAC or maybe a topping E30.

By: Ian White Mon, 20 Jun 2022 10:24:37 +0000 In reply to Ian.


If an older article starts to get a lot of traction again, it gets pushed back to the top of the homepage. I changed the opening paragraph to keep the focus on the product versus the specific politics of the time when it was written.

Ian White

By: Ian Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:03:26 +0000 In reply to Ian White.

Then why is this article on your homepage and why did you change the opening paragraph to reflect my previous comment ???

By: Ian White Sun, 19 Jun 2022 11:01:17 +0000 In reply to Ian.


The original article was published almost 15 months ago.


By: Ian Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:32:29 +0000 Brexit resolved? Life getting back to normal in the UK?

Do you even read the news?

By: Ian White Sat, 18 Jun 2022 22:41:52 +0000 In reply to Jeppe.

I own all 3 and my view is that the 6000A is a solid option for both. The 3050i is more restrained sounding of the two and benefits a lot from the forward sounding signature of the Audiolab.

The 6000A is lean sounding but is also very detailed and it can drive both speakers well.

I still prefer the NAD or Croft with the 3050i though.


Ian White

By: ORT Sat, 18 Jun 2022 22:33:12 +0000 In reply to Brian Mitchell.

Thank you, Sir Brian of Mitchell!

I am going to get him some nice speakers that I can also afford and even at that price I could do so by saving a few more months, as his day of birth is in December!

Be assured that I very much appreciate this site and all of you here. I would not say as much were it not true. It was a genuine pleasure to meet you and the guys that were there that day at (the) T.H.E. Show! Please let Miss Emiko know that I would have happily shaken her hand too but I know she was busy elsewhere at the show. 🙂

Thank you again!


By: Brian Mitchell Sat, 18 Jun 2022 21:33:42 +0000 In reply to ORT. seems to have the 3050i in-stock, but they raised the price to $999. Although we saw them go on sale last year for as low as $711 at Amazon for Black Friday. I suppose that may be why they’re sold out.
