Comments on: WTF is Micro OLED? everything hi-fi Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:09:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Sat, 17 Jun 2023 16:16:16 +0000 Ian, Amen!

As for sports, recently one of my brothers got me to watch 2 or 3 (can not recall it is all a blurrrr…) entire Hockey games. I found it better paced than baseball but I really hate football and that in spite of our daughter having been a “Charger Girl” a few years ago.

I did not attend a single game but my wife and her bestest friend did. I would say more but I have bored the readership enough!

ORT not spORTs 😉

By: Ian White Sat, 17 Jun 2023 15:22:54 +0000 In reply to ORT.


I think the AR/VR headset will become more mainstream when the price is more affordable. Spending $3500 on this is insane right now. I also know that Apple is already working on the “lite” version of this. If Apple can bring this experience with the right apps to market for under $500 — ballgame over for Google or Meta in the category. They will be players but Apple will sell millions of these. I will continue to resist. The real world in front of us is still preferable.


By: Ian White Sat, 17 Jun 2023 15:20:10 +0000 In reply to ORT.


I still have a ZT50 Panny in my office. How does one loathe all sports? Especially hockey. I’ve taken more than a few dozen pucks off the mask over the years. Explains a lot.

Ian Sawchuk

By: ORT Sat, 17 Jun 2023 14:31:10 +0000 Could fApple become the “Terror of Tiny Town TVs” with this innovative none invasive incredibly impressive and independently inspirational itty-bitty OLED of diminutive size?

WTF? Indeed, sir.

Maybe. I dunno but then I have yet to watch a complete film on my cell phone.

Gotta go as the beautiful “Paris Sisters” just came up! The WayBack Machine beckons.


By: ORT Sat, 17 Jun 2023 14:20:34 +0000 My older brother still has his Panasonic 50″ Plasma and continually resists my attempts to bring him and his most excellent wife into the present. It does look great though…I just gave them the remained of the MLB TV season and they are watching it in HD so they’ve got that going for them…Which is nice. They are both tremendous baseball enthusiasts. Me? I loathe all sports. 😉

About 2 or so years ago I gave our 50″ Panasonic Plasma to a good friend whose TV had gone the way of the Dodo and she likes it very much!

It would perhaps, take some vibrant proprietary tech to bring Panasonic back into the American market. Something no one else has or could ripoff.

